In-Office Surgery
At Women’s Health Connecticut, we’re all about providing the highest quality of care that’s personal and convenient for you. From annual visits to every stage of your healthcare journey, our goal is to provide you with gynecologic and obstetric services that meet every need. That’s why we offer care for minor surgeries and procedures – in the same place and from the same people you trust.
These procedures may be small, but they accomplish a lot. We can perform biopsies to detect cancer earlier, remove local cancerous or precancerous cells, conduct a closer examination of your cervix, uterus, or other organs, and even treat you for some infections. Being able to address a multitude of patient needs in the office makes for a simpler, more comfortable experience for everyone.
Here are some of the procedures we offer in our office:
- Colposcopy
- Cryocautery
- Endometrial Ablation
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Intra-uterine Device (IUD) and Nexplanon Placement
- LEEP Procedure
- Office Hysteroscopy
- Skin Tag and Minor Lesion Removal
- Sonohysterogram
- Ultrasound
- Vulvar Cyst Drainage
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