Birth Control & Family Planning

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Comprehensive Family Planning & Contraceptive Options

At Women's Health Connecticut, we understand how important it is to choose the right contraception for your individual needs. We offer several types of contraception, and our team of experienced, board-certified ObGyns, midwives, and staff educate, inform, and guide you to make the right choice for your individual needs.

Whatever option you ultimately choose, we're here to support you.

Understanding Family Planning & Birth Control

Contraception, commonly called birth control, consists of methods for preventing pregnancy. Family planning is the practice of controlling the timing and number of children a family wishes to have through various methods. You can use contraception before and after pregnancy. There are several contraception options available to you:

  • Reversible Contraception: Birth control that is removable if you want to become pregnant. This includes both short-acting birth control, such as barrier methods or the birth control pill, and long-acting birth control, such as the IUD.
  • Permanent Contraception: Surgical procedures that permanently prevent pregnancy.
  • Emergency Contraception: Birth control meant to be used within five days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy.

 If you need counseling on which option is best for you, request an appointment with one of our providers, who will discuss your options and answer any questions.

What Are the Types of Birth Control Methods?

When it comes to birth control and pregnancy prevention, every woman's choices are uniquely personal. At Women's Health Connecticut, your provider will guide you in selecting the most suitable methods for your lifestyle and needs.

Explore the resources below to prepare for a discussion with your provider or partner.

Short-Term Birth Control & Barrier Method

Short-term birth control methods provide temporary protection against pregnancy and are ideal for those seeking flexible, reversible options. These include hormonal options like daily birth control pills, weekly patches, and monthly vaginal rings. There are also single-use contraceptives like condoms and diaphragms. When used correctly, they are effective, adaptable solutions for managing birth control without long-term commitments.

Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)

Long-term birth control methods provide extended protection against pregnancy with minimal maintenance. These are generally hormonal-based birth control options and include intrauterine devices (IUDs), contraceptive implants, and shots. Lasting from several months to several years, they offer a highly effective, low-maintenance solution for those seeking reliable and reversible contraception.

Permanent Birth Control

Permanent birth control offers a lasting solution for those who are sure they do not want future pregnancies. Surgical options include tubal ligation for women, where the fallopian tubes are cut or sealed, and vasectomy for men, where the vas deferens is cut or sealed (Women's Health Connecticut does not perform vasectomies). These procedures effectively prevent pregnancy permanently, providing peace of mind for individuals or couples seeking a definitive contraceptive choice.

Natural Family Planning

Natural family planning, also known as fertility awareness, involves avoiding intercourse or using barrier methods during the days when a woman is most fertile. This method relies on tracking the menstrual cycle, observing changes in cervical mucus, or monitoring body temperature to estimate fertile days, providing a non-hormonal and reversible approach to birth control.

Need more information on the methods of birth control available to you? Read our Birth Control 101 Guide.

How Women's Health Birth Control and Family Planning in Connecticut Can Help

You have the final decision on using contraception. Consider your lifestyle, future plans, and what works best for you. Women's Health Connecticut providers offer comprehensive family planning and birth control services for women at every age and stage of life. You can count on us to support you on your journey toward optimal wellness.

Schedule your visit today so we can discuss your needs.

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