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*Provider may not practice at all locations.

Sarah Najamy, CNM

OBGYN Physicians
Offices in Milford*
Speaks English

Patient Satisfaction Ratings

  • Bedside Manner 4.9
  • Medical Support Team 4.9
  • Care and Concern 4.9
  • Educated Me 4.9

Scores are representative of patients surveyed by Vizium360, and are based on a 5-star rating system.

*Provider may not practice at all locations.

About Sarah Najamy

A life long resident of Connecticut, Sarah Najamy graduated from Bridgeport University with a bachelor's degree in Nursing. She continued her education in midwifery, graduating from Downstate Medical Center of SUNY in Brooklyn, New York as a Certified Nurse Midwife in 1987.

Sarah Najamy has attended thousands of births in the greater Bridgeport and Fairfield County areas. She has extensive knowledge in homeopathy, nutrition, herbal remedies, bioidentical hormones, and other alternative treatment for women in all stages of their lives. In 1996, Sarah was voted a "Woman of Substance" by the Connecticut Post.

A fabulous cook and mother, Sarah has two grown children. She shows the same dedication to her clients and their families, as she does her own.

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