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*Provider may not practice at all locations.

Meghan Slemmens, MD

Specialists in Women's Healthcare
Offices in Waterbury & Southbury*
Speaks English

Patient Satisfaction Ratings

  • Bedside Manner 4.9
  • Medical Support Team 4.8
  • Care and Concern 4.9
  • Educated Me 4.8

Scores are representative of patients surveyed by Vizium360, and are based on a 5-star rating system.

*Provider may not practice at all locations.

About Meghan Slemmens

Dr. Meghan Slemmens focused her undergraduate studies in microbiology at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. She pursued her medical degree at Ross University in Dominica, West Indies and completed her obstetrics and gynecology training at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford. Dr. Slemmens is board certified by The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She is experienced in minimally invasive surgery including da VinciĀ® robotics, and has a special interest in high-risk obstetrical management. She is also passionate about healthcare equality and enjoys the opportunity to give back to her community.

Dr. Slemmens is a mother to three ambitious little women and enjoys running, photography, and travel. She and her husband, Dr. Christian Kakowski live in Bethlehem.

Find out what patients are saying

"I cannot say enough good things about Dr. Slemmens. She has such a gentle and calm personality which makes the patient feel comfortable and relaxed during the visit."
"Dr. Slemmens was very thorough, kind, and nonjudgmental which is very important to me."

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