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*Provider may not practice at all locations.
Maryam Hedayatzadeh, MD
Women's Health Care of New England
Offices in Norwalk, Norwalk, Ridgefield & Westport*
Speaks English, Spanish & Farsi
Scores are representative of patients surveyed by Vizium360, and are based on a 5-star rating system.
*Provider may not practice at all locations.
About Maryam Hedayatzadeh
Dr. Hedayatzadeh received her medical degree from Ross University and completed her residency training in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She speaks fluent Spanish and Farsi. In her spare time, Dr. Hedayatzadeh likes to watch movies, read books and spend time with her family.
Find out what patients are saying
"I absolutely loved Dr. H and was very happy with this appointment! She addressed every concern I had with care and with such a friendly demeanor."
"Dr. Hedayatzadeh was amazing! She provided the best experience I've ever had with an ObGyn. She was so friendly and so open and I'm definitely coming back."
"The courtesy of the staff was outstanding! Especially with all the new COVID-19 procedures."