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*Provider may not practice at all locations.

Tania Plaisimond, MD

Women's Health Care of New England
Offices in Norwalk, Norwalk, Ridgefield & Westport*
Speaks English, French, Haitian Creole & Spanish

Patient Satisfaction Ratings

  • Bedside Manner 4.8
  • Medical Support Team 4.9
  • Care and Concern 4.9
  • Educated Me 4.8

Scores are representative of patients surveyed by Vizium360, and are based on a 5-star rating system.

*Provider may not practice at all locations.

About Tania Plaisimond

Tania Plaisimond, MD, received her medical degree from Ross University Medical School in 2015. She completed her residency at Rochester Regional Hospital in 2020, where she was chief resident in ObGyn. Dr. Plaisimond is especially interested in minimally invasive gynecologic surgeries, family planning, high-risk pregnancies, contraception counseling, and caring for underserved and immigrant populations.

Dr. Plaisimond’s mission as a women’s healthcare provider is to give compassionate and evidence-based care to women at any stage of their lives. Her favorite part about being a women’s healthcare provider is the opportunities to meet and care for a broad spectrum of women.

In her spare time, Dr. Plaisimond enjoys traveling, trying new foods, and cooking. She is also fluent in French, Haitian Creole, and is conversational in Spanish.

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