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*Provider may not practice at all locations.

Claudia Ortiz-Cardenas, MD

Women's Obstetrics & Gynecology
Offices in Trumbull & Fairfield*
Speaks English & Spanish

Patient Satisfaction Ratings

  • Bedside Manner 4.8
  • Medical Support Team 4.8
  • Care and Concern 4.8
  • Educated Me 4.7

Scores are representative of patients surveyed by Vizium360, and are based on a 5-star rating system.

*Provider may not practice at all locations.

About Claudia Ortiz-Cardenas

Dr. Claudia Ortiz-Cardenas, MD, attended medical school at the Universidad de La Sabana in Colombia. She completed her residency training at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Jersey and is board certified. Dr. Ortiz-Cardenas has a special interest in contraception counseling, menstrual disorders, and vaginosis. She became a women's healthcare provider because she enjoys caring for women in all stages of their lives, and believes it is an honor to be able to take part and guide her patients through labor and delivery.

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