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*Provider may not practice at all locations.

Brittany Hannon, PA

Women's Health CT-Obstetrics & Gynecology
Offices in Trumbull, Fairfield & Shelton*
Speaks English

Patient Satisfaction Ratings

  • Bedside Manner 4.9
  • Medical Support Team 4.9
  • Care and Concern 4.9
  • Educated Me 4.9

Scores are representative of patients surveyed by Vizium360, and are based on a 5-star rating system.

*Provider may not practice at all locations.

About Brittany Hannon

Brittany Hannon, PA joined the team at Women's Health Center of Shelton in 2020. She earned a Bachelor of Science in biology from Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT in 2012. In 2016, she earned a Master of Science degree in physician assistant studies from the University of Bridgeport, completing rotations in women's health and in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Brittany has worked as a physician assistant throughout the state of Connecticut, most recently at Bristol Hospital.

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